Each day presents a chance to revamp, regenerate, and reinvent. Kevin Klein undergoes a season of reawakening as a solo artist. Showcasing another facet of his creativity beyond Valleyheart, the Massachusetts-born songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer fully takes the reins of his vision and delivers an unfiltered lyrical perspective rooted in folk eloquence and electronic experimentation all at once. As such, he chronicles life’s changes in real-time on his 2023 solo debut EP, Random Space [Tooth & Nail].
“I heard a phrase, and it stuck with me forever,” he notes. “In essence, ‘Every release is your debut record’. No matter what you’re releasing, it always feels new. Random Space is a first statement of where I’m at musically. Valleyheart is a collaboration, and I love that. It’s also more existential and conceptual, because there’s a certain established sound. There are no limitations for this project though.”
He continues to follow this muse. Since 2017, Valleyheart has emerged as a fan favorite phenomenon across two records with millions of streams and praise from American Songwriter, FLOOD, and Vanyaland, to name a few. Along the way, Kevin consistently created solo material under-the-radar, sharing an independent EP in 2018 and intermittently performing local shows. Throughout the ensuing years, he wrote, recorded, and produced what would become Random Space out of his home studio in Montreal between his duties with the band.
As the tunes took shape, his vision also crystallized. Signing to Tooth & Nail Records, he dove headfirst into his artistry outside of the band like never before.
Introducing this chapter, the single “Yirgacheffe” glides on glass keys towards a hypnotic breakbeat laced with a breezy guitar melody. His vocals barely crack a whisper on the verses, only amplifying the hook.
“The story focuses on two lovers who seem to have fast-forwarded into their relationship,” he reveals. “Years later, one person is tapped-out and tuned-out, while the other partner is giving and giving into the relationship. ‘Yirgacheffe’ is actually a region in Africa. It’s also a type of coffee. The song is about the space that grows in in a relationship over time if you let it without giving it the attention and care it needs.”
The accompanying dual-single “The Winds” entwines softly plucked acoustic guitar with swooning strings underneath his delicate intonation.
“One of my first international trips was to Iceland,” he recalls. “The experience changed my life and made me want to travel and see the world. It’s an insane place—like another planet. The week I returned home, I wrote the song. You come to the realization the best things in life may come from unexpected and unforeseen moments, communication, or relationships.”
Then, there’s “Trust.” Guitar underlines his pensive delivery offset by airy reverb, strains of electric piano, and live horns.
“I was sitting outside with my acoustic on the first day of Spring,” he goes on. “It had just gotten warm, and there was a feeling winter had passed. I felt hopeful. At the same time, I was going through some things and was turned up inside. It fell out of a place of pondering trust in yourself, trust in other people, and trust in the fact that life was out for your good in the end.”
“Somedays (People In Cars)” slips into a disarmingly danceable groove lifted by his wavy high-register and a hummable guitar solo.
“One day, you’re on top of the world, and it’s like you could pretty much accomplish anything you set your mind to,” he adds. “On the next, you have a hard time getting out of the house. You’re processing those two different ends of the spectrum.”
Ultimately, you’ll really get to know Kevin on Random Space.
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Kevin Klein
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